Soberanes Fire: Week Two

July 29, 2016

For more recent updates, see Soberanes Fire: Week Three and Soberanes Fire: Week Four


For earlier maps and notes see Soberanes Fire: Week One

Important caveats: Please note that the squares on the heat detection maps represent the expected margin of error, not the size of the area burned. In other words, the detection could have come from anywhere within the square. Also be aware that false detections do sometimes occur. An outlying or “over the line” heat detection is not, by itself, a confirmation that there is fire in the area indicated. In addition, the satellites do not detect heat everywhere that fire exists. Creeping, backing or smoldering fire is often not detected. Finally, the detections are only snapshots of moments in time. Flare ups that occur before or after a satellite pass may be entirely missed.

Also be aware that yellow squares disappear from the map after 6 days. These are not maps of the area burned since the fire began, just maps of where heat has been detected during the past week. Read the rest of this entry »

Soberanes Fire: Week One

July 22, 2016

For more recent updates, please see Soberanes Fire: Week Two,  Soberanes Fire: Week Three and Soberanes Fire: Week Four

Thursday 7-28-16 8:00 pm Update:


Lots of smoke coming from the fire today and there’s no doubt about where most of it was coming from… Read the rest of this entry »

Flashback! Julia Pfeiffer Burns in the 1960s

July 19, 2016

Just a few shots from the days before traffic jams and crowds…


At the Waterfall House with my mother and sister in 1966. Notice how the waterfall drops directly into the ocean. The beach formed after a 1983 landslide put a huge amount of material into the ocean just to the north.

JG 1

Mom and Sis on the terrace.

Brown House

Leading Mom around the house (I think this photo is from 1963). To get there, we rode down from the Highway on the funicular car.

Salmon Creek: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

July 7, 2016


Salmon Creek Falls

A massive surge in the number of visitors to Monterey County in general and Big Sur in particular has led to a large increase in the number of people camping along, and near, Highway One and other roads. While many of these people are, no doubt, careful to leave no trace of their visit, others light illegal campfires and leave their garbage strewn across the landscape. Read the rest of this entry »